Friday, 13 December 2013

Gothic Dresses for Punk and Goth

One of the modern clothing nowadays is depending on the user’s personality. When you are talking about culture, clothing was also affecting the culture of one’s era. For example, Victorian period was living in Queen Victoria’s era, having long gothic dresses and simple hairstyle. Now as we hit the 21st Century, culture has been changed. From the way our interests to the way we wear our clothes. It’s really surprisingly many teens and even celebrities love to wear gothic dresses wherever they go. In the 21st century, rock bands are now wearing different kinds of gothic dresses that have been popularized today. For fans, they really love to wear different gothic dresses that match their idol’s clothing. In fact, there are also Punk and Goth groups who are using Gothic dresses so that they can interpret their attitude and style by the way they wear. Also, co players who are portraying a character who wears Gothic dresses are also wearing one in some co splay conventions all over the world.
In addition, fashion designers are also designing modern gothic dresses especially for people who have the passion to wear Goth fashion for everyday use.  With some other means, people are also interpreting themselves by wearing Gothic dresses every time they walk out of their house. So, do you have any idea where Gothic fashion came from? It came from the era of Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria back in the 15th and 19th century. They usually wear long dresses with long sleeves. It has ribbon laces at the end of the clothing, usually it contains headdress (sometimes big hats with ribbon laces and big feathers as a design or small hats usually pinned on the head with some little feathers and ribbon laces), black heavy make-up (particularly on the eye and lips) and neon hair (sometimes for Goth loves, they simply make their hair into modern Victorian or Elizabethan, which is plain black. Neon hair was usually done by the Punk lovers).

Of course, gothic dresses are still there on our era, usually you can buy them at different department stores that are specialized in Goth clothing or some Online Goth stores that will give you bigger discounts. They are some other online shops who have the complete accessories and clothing for people who love Victorian, Elizabethan, Punk and Goth. Without a person who loves these styles, a culture will be faded. That’s why they were still high sellers from different parts of the globe. Gothic dresses are still the best dress for some occasions like Halloween, co splay conventions, or other occasions that they are needed. Gothic dresses are perfect for people who want to wear for their everyday use. There are modern Goth dresses that are designs that will make them more comfortable any time of the day.

In our era, gothic clothes are one-of-a-kind styles that we must preserve: a culture which people most treasure in order to revive it every single day of our era.